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The official MDL exchange rate

Currency Rate Exchange Rate
U.S. Dollar118.2981
Russian Ruble10.1755
Romanian Leu13.8668
Ukrainian Hryvnia10.4393


Purchase of an apartment / any real property comprises:

  • individual approach to each customer;
  • selection to meet customer’s wishes;
  • good selection of apartments from a large database of objects;
  • visual checks of most suitable objects when it is convenient for the buyer;
  • legal checkup of the object;
  • collection and preparation of a package of required documents;
  • carry out the purchase-sale transaction;
  • registration of the real property ownership title, registration in the territorial cadastre office (technical inventory bureau).

IMOBIL STAR Agency guarantees performance in good faith and transparency of relations, and confidentiality of information!

Sale of an apartment / any real property comprises:

  • evaluation of real property, establishment of its market value;
  • legal, informational advice to the seller;
  • take pictures of the real property and place the pictures on Internet, mass media;
  • wide-scale advertisement;
  • show the object in presence of IMOBIL STAR experts when it is convenient for the buyer;
  • collect and prepare a package of required documents for performance of transaction;
  • complete the purchase and sale transaction;
  • registration in the technical inventory bureau;
  • make a transmission-acceptance statement for transmission of real property from the seller to the buyer.

3. Evaluation of real property
The activity of evaluation of real property is carried out on the basis of license serial number А ММII no. 034527 of 10.05.2010.
Our Company provides the following services:

  • evaluation of apartments;
  • evaluation of houses, cottages and modern cottages;
  • evaluation of nonresidential properties;
  • evaluation of unfinished constructions;
  • evaluation of land lots (agricultural and for construction);
  • evaluation of real property for commissioning.

4. Land-surveying
IMOBIL STAR provides the following survey services;

  • land survey;
  • land management;
  • engineering and land measuring;
  • creation of digital maps and plans.

Land surveying is meant to obtain a precise digital and graphic information about location (relief, existing buildings and structures) for further use in design and other tasks set out in the performance specification.
Land management is performed in case of privatization, reissuance of land ownership titles, cadastre registration and represent a set of land surveying operations with fixation (restoration) of land boundaries on site according to united system of state, making of plans (drawings) of land boundaries.
Engineering and land measuring comprise:

  • layout (put up design reference marks on site);
  • determination of exact area and volume of the object;
  • creation of digital maps and plans according to cartographic materials, aerial photographs and other available digital and analog information.

Bases for land survey
The above-stated activities are carried out on the basis of license:

  • serial number А ММII no. 022826 of 10.11.2007 MD 0060088

High quality of work is ensured by extensive use of digital technologies (GIS, electronic tachymeter, GPS receivers), and professionalism of our workers.
5. Cadastre work
Cadastre work comprises:

  • execution of geometric plans;
  • elaboration of cadastre and geometric plans;
  • formation of real property object entered into the real property register as a result of separation, division, annexation, merger;
  • identification of real property objects on the basis of ownership certification documents.

6. Design
IMOBIL STAR agencies performs the following types of exploration works:

  • design low and high pressure gas systems;
  • design internal and external water supply and sewage systems;
  • design waste disposal plants.

The above-mentioned activity is carried out on the basis of license: serial number А ММII no. 026027 of 28.09.2007 MD 0060088.